The Voice – Richard Armitage speaks

Not only is Richard Armitage exceptionally beautiful but he is a great actor and a funny, decent, intelligent man. In fairness, with these attributes, he should really have a high-pitched squeaky voice, helium-gas high, to add balance. But he doesn’t. The heavenly one has a rich, labia-twanging timbre, a fantastic range from roar to whisper – and if that isn’t enough, he is a master of accents.


I have little snippets of him speaking on my iPod alongside my music. Every time I hear one I get a little frisson of delight – and here they are, so hopefully you will too.

Capture 1

Gasp at Daniel’s butterfly whisper of “We nearly had something, didn’t we?” from Berlin Station, series one.

Shiver at the understated menace of Raymond de Merville in Pilgrimage.

Capture 2

Thrill at bad-tempered Lucas’s Russian in Spooks series seven.

And sigh when Lucas has a cravin’.

Thrill as Richard gets his tongue round Old English [me, in my dreams] in the Lords of the North.

Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.

Gasp at creepy Francis Dolarhyde in Hannibal, series three. Ooh! Goosepimples.

This is from one of my most cherished RA interviews. Richard is relaxed, funny, a sibilant seductive Flirty- Gertie, I love the southerny way he says,”No” and there are traces of north-Midlands too.

Here is the interview in full:

Richard Armitage says nothing

And my very favourite: I love the way he says nothing – or nothin’.

Update: And with much thanks to Anja who pointed me in the direction of a better nothing, here is a lovely northern example by our Lord of the North:

from the Lords of the North.

Tongue, Swordomy Swordery and the Lash? I don’t think I was supposed to be thinking what I thought when I heard this…

From Voices from History.

I’d love to hear your favourites.

45 thoughts on “The Voice – Richard Armitage speaks

  1. Jane all his poetry readings are just divine! My technological dunce cap is on today so pick one of all they give throngs of thrombosis tinkling and tingling to the touch!!
    Your play on words is magnificent
    Rich labia timbre 😘😂👍🤗👏👏😄well done ✅

    Liked by 1 person

  2. omg, that gave me a right old giggle!
    one of my faves is ‘You said my name right!’ hells bells that does something to me!
    also when he’s playing the rake/any rake in the Georgette Heyers and even in the radio play Clarissa where he’s a proper shit-but his accent kills me

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Such a cool post! I played them on SoundCloud and they just played one after another. Hearing him voice the Old English in Lords of the North is definitely a favourite.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. So I’ve been told and I don’t think I could honestly that dramatic/traumatic even w The Armitage cooing in my ear. Now as Rule absolutely!! ❤️😘😉🇬🇧🌺❤️❤️❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. yeah, it was engrossing but the horror of her situation-she literally couldn’t win. I’m quite a strong minded, stubbornish woman and I have no idea how I would have coped in those days

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Love it, Dreamer, this is a great post. The Armivoice is a classic that will never *ever* grow old. Literally. Beautiful to listen to, no matter what he says. But that very first one, I though we had something – jesus f chrysanthemum, that sends shivers down my spine.
    I used to have a few soundbites like that on my phone, too, but I deleted the load because it was taking up too much space. One thing that I kept for a long time was his attempts at an Irish accent – but now I can’t even remember what it was…
    I love it when he has a guttural Northern accent, by the way…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Guylty, yes, shivers down the spine. I wonder what his Irish accent was. It wasn’t when he said ,’Bejesus’ on the Anglophile interview?. Hs northern accent makes my knees go weak.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. A fellow ‘nothing’ fan! High-five! It’s just the sexiest thing isn’t it… I haven’t been able to find my favourite ‘nothings’ yet – I can’t remember where they are, so this one is a substitute until I hear one again. Have you any suggestions Abiwim?


      1. nothin’ as sexy as nothin’! 😉 And in Lords of the North when Uthred is enslaved he fills these two syllables with so much anger and defeat and pain and stubbornness and spirit…it’s amazing how he does that in one word! (right at the beginning of part two “the red ship” chapter 5, when Hakka beats Uthred for speaking)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ooh thanks Anna. I had a feeling his best ones were in ‘Lords’ because of his northern accent I’ll have a listen and hopefully add it to the blog. You’re so right about the power of that.little word


      1. Anja, I’ve finally got round to updating my post with a new ‘nothing’ from Lords of the North. You’re right, it’s a killer example – and northern too. Thank you

        Liked by 1 person

  5. “Thrill as Richard gets his tongue round Old English [me, in my dreams] in the Lords of the North.”
    Je ne suis pas une experte en accents anglais, saxons, … mais je ne me lasse pas d’écouter les voix variées qu’il incarne dans ces 10 CD.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Com on wanre niht scri∂an sceadugenga. From out of the wan night slides the shadow walker. Beowulf”.

      “I hated Alfred. He was a miserable, pious, tight-fisted king who distrusted me because I was no Christian, because I was a northerner, and because I had given him his kingdom back at Ethandun. And as reward he had given me Fifhaden. Bastard.”

      My favorite stays in chapter 2. His voice is swinging like a valse, like the relaxing back and forth motion of ocean tides at seaside:
      “At sea, sometimes, if you take a ship too far from land and the wind rises and the tide sucks with a venomous force and the waves splinter white above the shield-pegs, you have no choice but to go where the gods will. The sail must be furled before it rips and the long oars would pull to no effect and so you lash the blades and bail the ship and say your prayers and watch the darkening sky and listen to the wind howl and suffer the rain’s sting, and you hope that the tide and waves and wind will not drive you onto rocks.

      Liked by 2 people

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