Meeting the Richard Armitage DistRAction Challenge – part two


This is part two of my answers to Guylty’s DistRAction Challenge.
Esther’s part two is here.

Part one here:

15. Favourite quote of a chaRActer?


16. Saddest chaRActer death?
Guy of Gisborne’s death because it marked the end of Guy of Gisborne (obviously) and also the happy duel-purpose watching of Robin Hood, with my young son on Saturdays, at 7.45pm. I still get delicious nostalgic shivers at the weekend in anticipation of regular Guy doses at that time .

R.I.P. Gisborne the Glorious

17. Favourite century?
My favourite century is the 18th but Richard hasn’t graced that time – so far (apart from Clarissa but that was audio). I don’t know – preferably one where facial hair wasn’t obligatory. I love his 21st century personas but it would be nice to see him in a different period – 18th-century highwayman, stern Edwardian, swashbuckling pirate, scheming Plantagenet King (but not with King Oberon’s hair – is that possible?) noble ancient-Roman …

18. Your consolation show, i.e. your go-to show when you need distRAction?
If I didn’t allow myself to only watch North and South once a year on my birthday I would probably choose that for comforting escapism. I don’t tend to watch individual episodes of my favourite RA series. Oddly, it’s probably Hannibal as I enjoy it so much or Strike Back.


19. Theatre or small/big screen?
Nothing beats the excitement of seeing Richard Armitage live, even being in the same room is enough, but these opportunities are few and far between, so I’ll pick the small screen, as there tends to be more Armitage screen time and I enjoyed the anticipation of seeing him week after week (which I could have had with The Stranger if  I’d been more disciplined).

20. Best costume/look?
No, I really can’t choose:  there is Gisborne’s leather  – any black leather-clad Armitage,  Richard impeccable in suits, particularly with an open necked white shirt, his Berlin Station great great-coat with the turned-up collar,  his so sexy fitted Spooks and Hannibal jackets, the bomber jackets of Berlin Station and The Stranger, the beige raincoat in the latter  …. 

Exhibits 1-6


But then again ..


21. Imagine your favourite chaRActer – assign them a colour, a scent and a chocolate flavour

Black,  leather, Black Magic (the dark chocolates)

22. Your favourite audio book?
David Copperfield.  I want to drive through the streets with a megaphone, shake people vigorously by the shoulders, fly a plane with a streamer proclaiming how incredible Richard Armitage’s narration is:  the astonishing variety of his accents is a revelation but also his love for his favourite book shines through in his sensitive and perceptive understanding of Dickens’s words.

23. Your favourite piece of fan art you own?
I don’t own many pieces but those that I have are treasured and made with such kindness, care and consideration that I don’t want to choose one above the others. I did enjoy smirking secretly at my Gisbauble ( from the Flat Ritchie tour box) hanging from my tree this year, hidden in plain sight.EL00dy0XUAAOcKe

24. If you had the opportunity to meet RA, what would you like to talk to him about? I’ve often fantasised about meeting Richard Armitage, bumping into him in the country side, being stuck in a lift together or on a long drive (and I often dream of him when he’s  trying to get away from me, which seems an unfair waste of a dream). nhhh (2)

As I’m rather inarticulate and quiet, I would want to feel on safe ground with my subject. As I love film, and can talk relatively volubly on the subject, we would have lots to discuss (as well as which side of the bed he prefers!).

25. Anything you dislike about the fandom? I like the fandom a lot more than I dislike it. The odious quibbling, divisive party-lines, blind adoration (although I can be guilty of that) is tiresome but expected in a wildly varied group who like different facets of  the divine one.  The thing I do dislike – and I feel really mean saying this – and there are some breathtakingly good pieces, which I admire  –  are some of the drawings and paintings of RA, over the years, where his features are slightly  wonky (and I couldn’t do any better).  Basically I’d rather see the real Armitage rather than paintings, drawings and cartoons. A another personal bug-bear of mine is seeing Armitage cute-sified, but I mean no criticism of others. I just don’t like to see my potent fantasy figure emasculated.

Thanks for reading and thanks Guylty for providing this distRAction!

*I apologise if I’ve used any images without permission. I will credit where I can but I have no idea where some originated from. Please let me know if I have used any of your images and I will either remove them or credit.

12 thoughts on “Meeting the Richard Armitage DistRAction Challenge – part two

  1. Jane
    Totally agree on the costumes
    He rocks a jacket like no other man (even TM) so thank you for those lovely exhibits 1-6
    I think Shakespearean Armitage would be my fav or aLord Rule for sure
    I own a couple of fandom handmade items that I really like
    I don’t craft at all so when I was given then (one I won in an auction) I felt honoured
    The best thing about this fandom has been meeting some genuine and wonderful women and sharing a magical time in London last month. I gravitate to those memories lately feeling blah
    LOTN would be my go to audio book of his I would recommend then Heyer threesome

    Stay safe stay well Jane and you are extremely articulate ❤️❤️😉😘


    1. Hmm, Lord Rule, I’d forgotten about him, yes, certainly – and I do love LOTN and the Heyer audio books (although perhaps not all the voices of the young women – RA often makes them sound so feeble, but then, I shouldn’t quibble, he does really well for a 6″ etc man with a deep booming voice!). Yes, the friendship, support and fun in the fandom is the best.
      I am far more articulate and confident on the page than with speech – I was once accused semi-jokingly of plagiarism by a tutor! Stay safe too M.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jane I love your wicked sense of humor and I’m quite shy in speaking than writing as well 😉🌺
        Oh no on the plagiarism faux pas good if you can look back and laugh at it!!
        Any good shows or movies you recommend ? 😘❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ha ha, thanks. Have you watched Succession? It took me a while to get into but couldn’t get enough of it eventually, it’s intelligent and gripping and I love Better Call Saul.


  2. it’s weird-i’m following you but this post doesn’t come up in my reader thread
    thanks for doing the challenge-it’s fun to read peoples different views


  3. That is strange but then both Twitter and WordPress work in mysterious ways – particularly WP. Thanks for following though Rachel and for your comment. Yes. the variety and similarity of the fandom reminds me a bit of a DNA thread!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Loved this post! I think the jackets and coats (with collar upturned) actually might rival that beautiful white shirt of John Thornton’s!!
    Black magic chocolates and Guy …. now there’s a thought! I’ve been thinking lately that I should have a Robin Hood rewatch – may I might see Guy in a new light (I always did struggle to find the good in him …lol!).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Mulubinba and hello! I’ve been re-watching Robin Hood because I have a larger TV now, so I’m wallowing in the larger Guy experience. He is still as glorious as ever- and yet his face changes scene to scene.


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